Saturday 4 June 2011

Chapter 5-"Feeling is Creation"

In every single time we give love, through our feelings, words or actions, we add more love to the field around us. The more love we give, the greater and more powerful is our magnetic field. Whatever is in our magnetic field is attracting to itself and so the more love in our field, the more power we attract to the things we really love.

We know that there is no distance too great, no obstacle it can't overcome; time can't stand in its way. We can change anything in our life by harnessing the greatest power in the universe, and all we have to do is give love!

No matter how big our desire may seem to us, think of it as the size of a dot! We may want a house, car, money, dream job and so on. It doesn't matter what it is we want, think of it as the size of a dot, because for the force of love, what we want is smaller than a dot!

If there is something negative in our life and we want to change it, for example: if you have an illness that you want to be gone, give love for your body being healthy. Creation means something new is created - which automatically replaces the old. We don't need to think about what we want to change. All we have to do is give love for what we want and the force of love will replace the negativity for us.

Life is supposed to be fun! WhEn we are having fun, we feel great and we receive great things! When we take life too seriously, we receive serious things. Having fun brings the life we want and taking things too seriously brings the life we have to take seriously. We have the power over our life and we can use it to design our life in whatever way we want, but for our own sake, lighten up!. 

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